- We accept CLEAN, usable, equine-related items: home decor, toys, clothing and accessories, jewelry, shoes and boots, tack, barn supplies, driving equipment, trail packs, saddle racks and bags, grooming and farrier supplies, etc.
- Dirty or damaged items do not sell and will not be accepted.
- Create an account at: https://myconsignmentmanager.com/mnyhatackswap
- Click Create Account.
- Choose a User Name and Password.
- Enter your personal information and mailing address so we can send your check.
- Read & agree to MCM terms & conditions.
- Check box stating that you are not a robot.
- Click Create Account.
- You will receive a confirmation email.
- If you are unable to register as a seller, add inventory, or print labels, contact us at mn.tackswap@gmail.com for assistance.
- Research the value of your items.
- Sign into your seller account.
- Click on manage items.
- Click the add button and then the add manual button.
- Select a category from the drop down menu.
- Select a size. If no size is listed, choose see description and indicate size in description.
- Enter inventory items using highly detailed descriptions. Include brand, size, type.
- Select a price. Prices start at $3 and go up in whole dollar increments. Group lower priced items together.
- Select the DISCOUNT box if you want an item to be discounted 20% the last day of the sale.
- Select the DONATE box if you wish to donate unsold items. If all your items are sold during the swap or marked for donation, no need to return on Sunday.
- To add multiple items of same description/price, use the drop down menu to select multiple items.
- To edit items, check the item’s box and the edit button.
- To delete items, check the item’s box and the delete button.
- When you are ready to print, select items you want to print labels for and click print.
- A PDF will pop up. Click print on the PDF.
- If you are unable to print at home, you can download labels to a USB and have them printed at a print shop, library, office store.
- Click this link for an instructional Video. Consign Video
- Avery 5163/8163 or similar 2” x 4” rectangle, permanent stick, white labels, 10 per sheet. These are available at office stores and from various online retailers. They cost approximately $8 for 250.
- #5 shipping tags with a reinforced hole but no string or wire attached. You will use zip ties to attach tags to your items. They can be purchased at office stores, amazon, or other online distributors. These also cost approximately $8 for 250.
- Various sizes of zip ties to attach tags to your items. Harbor Freight and online retailers sell these.
- Duct tape for marking saddles, shoes, boots.
- Packing tape to seal any bags and reinforce labels, if needed
- Attach a #5 manilla shipping tag to your item with a zip tie. Put the printed Avery 2″ x 4″ barcode label on the shipping tag.
- Items with a smooth surface, such as books, buckets, some grooming totes, and spray bottles can have the barcode label applied directly to them. Ensure the label is affixed securely.
- Saddles – zip tie the completed shipping label to a ring or billet holder. Attach duct tape to the underside of left fender. Write your seller number, item number, and price on the duct tape.
- Boots – zip tie boots together in a way that they can still be tried on. With duct tape, label each sole with seller number, item number, and price.
- Jeans/Breeches/Pants – attach tag through a belt loop in the middle back of the waistline.
- Hats – attach tag through holes, weave, hat band. Hat boxes often get separated from their hats.
- Jewelry and other small items – place the barcode label directly on the bag or stick the label to a piece of cardboard and place it inside the bag with the item. Make sure the label can be read and scanned. Secure the closure with tape or a zip tie.
- Blankets – attach tags toward the front of the blanket. Ensure that the blanket size is on the tag!
- The commision is 20% on all items sold.
- Money raised from the commision is donated to the Minnesota 4H Horse Project.
- The tack swap is held in the Dairy Building on the grounds of the Minnesota State Fair. The building address is: 1694 Judson Ave, Falcon Heights, MN 55108.
- Drop-Off is from 10am – 7 pm on Thursday.
- All consignment items are checked-in and out at the overhead garage door, on the east side of the building off of Underwood Street.
- Items over $100 will be checked-in.
- Security tags will be available again this year for $1 each.
- All items should be tagged and ready to sell upon arrival. We will have limited tagging supplies at the expo this year.
- If you are having trouble creating an account, entering items, or printing labels, contact us.
- New this year – no checks will be issued at the tack swap. All checks will be mailed to your designated address by May 16, 2025.
- If you’ve sold all items or are donating unsold items, you do not need to return on Sunday. Check your account for an inventory update prior to coming down.
- Pick-up unsold items Sunday, April 27, 2025 at pm.
- A valid I.D. is required. This applies to your designated pick-up person also.
- Bring a container to pick up items.
- Any item left after 8 pm on Sunday will be considered a donation.
- The tack swap requires many volunteers to be successful. From Wednesday evening set-up to Sunday night tear down, we need your help! Volunteer shifts are typically 4 hours long. If you are interested in having some fun while donating a few hours of your time to a worthy cause, sign up to volunteer at: https://signup.com/go/pxGkWqq
- Please contact us at mn.tackswap@gmail.com with any additional questions.
- Yes! We accept donations all year long. Please contact us to make arrangements.
- Donations can be brought to the Dairy building on the MN State Fairgrounds during check-in also.
- Donated items do not need to be tagged.
- If you are able to create an account and enter your tack but don’t have the ability to print your labels, you can download them onto a USB and bring it to your local print shop, office store, or library.
- If you can’t create an account or enter your items, please contact us as soon as possible. We can help you get your account set-up, enter your tack, and get labels printed. A fee may be charged to your consignor account for time and tagging supplies.